|  16. 9. 2024, 13:59

OFIŽ: Information Package for PhD Students

Dear PhD Students, PhD Supervisors, and members of the PhD committee,

with this annual newsletter, we would like to give you a summary of the important information regarding the PhD study program Animal Physiology, Immunology and Developmental Biology (APIDB).

If you have any questions regarding the PhD study, please contact Ing. Simona Kainerová (kainerova@sci.muni.cz) at the study department or Prof. Vítězslav Bryja (bryja@sci.muni.cz).

Use the opportunity of PhD Retreat in November and if you have any questions or comments regarding the PhD study, let´s discuss it there. 👍

Do not miss also monthly newsletters for PhD students and postdocs published by the Faculty of Science: https://www.sci.muni.cz/en/newsletters#tab-1

PhD Retreat 2024:

We would like to inform you that PhD Retreat 2024 will take place on 4. - 6. 11. in Telč (https://www.uct.muni.cz/).

The format of the students´ presentations will be as follows:

  • 1st year of study: PhD project introduction, 5 mins
  • 2nd year of study: not presenting (will present in February 2025 on PhD Workshop)
  • 3rd year of study: PhD project update, 15 mins presentation + 10 mins discussion
  • 4th year of study: „chalk talk“ – 15 mins to introduce your project just with a blackboard and a pen, introduce the main idea, methodology, and results
  • 5th+ year of study: „fun/love/hate talk“ – 10 mins, share your experience with PhD study; what has PhD study given to you? what obstacles have you overcome? what would you have done differently? what would be your message?

For PhD students:
Your attendance is obligatory. In case you are unable to attend, please send an email to bryja@sci.muni.cz and lenkajurasova@sci.muni.cz in copy with an explanation.
For students of 3rd and 4th years of study: Please discuss with your supervisor and consider how you want to finish your PhD studies. See the important section “Revision of graduation requirements” below. There will be a place for discussion on this topic at the PhD Retreat.

For PhD supervisors and members of the PhD committee:
We cordially invite you to join the PhD Retreat! It would be great if you could join the discussions and give students also your feedback.
If you plan to join, please let us know by the end of September so that we can count on you. More detailed information will follow in October.

Photos from one of the previous PhD Retreat:

Revision of Graduation Requirements:

As a reaction to recent changes in publication practice and the increased importance of multidisciplinary works, methodological specializations, and cooperation with industrial partners, the APIDB Doctoral Board agreed on the revision of graduation requirements regarding the publication achievements of PhD students.

From the point of view of publication outputs, the dissertation will be placed in one of four categories:

  • Standard: There are no changes compared to the current practice. The minimum requirement remains one published first-author work plus at least one other co-authored work in Q1 and Q2 journals. We would like to draw attention to the whole academic discussion regarding publishing in journals with a low level of peer review and join the opinion of the deans of the faculties of natural sciences (in the appendix /in Czech only/).
  • Scientifically ambitious: We define a scientifically ambitious dissertation as a work that has the ambition to be published in top journals with demanding (and often lengthy) peer review. We define the "top journals" as journals with IF>10 or as journals in the first decile according to WoS. For successful completion, it is necessary that the student is the first author of such a publication and at the time of the PhD defense the publication has been posted online as a pre-print (preferentially at bioRxiv) and that the publication has been submitted to „top journal“ and, importantly, has been sent out for external peer review by the editor of the journal.
  • Methodological: We define a methodological dissertation as a situation where a student has demonstrably and innovatively contributed to the development of methodological, analytical or informatics procedures that were key to the interpretation and publication of the results of interdisciplinary studies. This is not a routine measurement or analysis. The student must demonstrate an innovative and essential contribution. The requirement for completion is a minimum of three co-authored publications in Q1 and Q2 journals. In this case, the author's contribution must be clearly defined, must be essential for the whole interdisciplinary studies, and must correspond to a four-year study.
  • Industrial: We define "industrial dissertation" as a situation, which is similar to "standard" with the exception that the results have been obtained as part of the collaboration with the industrial partner that wishes to keep the results unpublished. The requirement for completion is a full text (similar to "diploma thesis") that describes all the experimental details and achievements, which in the ideal case should be in the form of research manuscripts. The applicant must be the first author of the manuscripts. Because of the fact that this is the only type of PhD thesis that has not undergone external PhD review, both the committee members and the external opponents will be asked to perform thorough peer review of the presented materials.

The presentation of the category will be a mandatory part of the dissertation. Please, read the detailed information in the download button below.

The student announces her/his choice and justification of the category during the presentation at the PhD retreat (in the 3rd or 4th year) or during the State Doctoral Exam (SDE; whichever occurs first). The choice of the category must be approved by the members of the APIDB Board (present either at the PhD Retreat or SDE). In case that the present APIDB Board members do not agree in consensus, the decision is passed to the complete APIDB Board that decideds by voting. During the PhD Retreat, we can discuss all questions that can relate to the selection of your dissertation category.

Download full text (CZ+ENG)

Info Materials:

Study requirements

Please, go through the OFIŽ website where you should find all the information regarding e.g.:

Also, go through the attached table with a scheme below that summarizes all obligatory steps of your study.

Summary Table & Scheme

Affiliation of your publications

Note that in your publications, you have to indicate the affiliation of Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, 62500, Czech Republic. Otherwise, the publication cannot be accepted as a part of your PhD thesis.

Multiple affiliations (for example, when your PhD project is supervised under a different institution) are acceptable.

Faculty info materials for PhD students

You can find more information also at the level of the faculty:

Additional info materials

Czech Association of Doctoral Researchers (Česká asociace doktorandek a doktorandů) – ČAD, is a registered association that brings together people pursuing doctoral programs in the Czech Republic. 

You can subscribe to their newsletter (both in Czech and English): ČAD newsletters

Or you can have a look at their handbook about the PhD studies in the Czech Republic that cover various topics as socio-legal aspects of doctoral studies, social networks for researchers,  counseling centers for students, ... (in Czech only) or other documents regarding PhD studies in the Czech Republic.

MUNI Mendel Doctorandus Award Programme:

MUNI Mendel Doctorandus

MUNI Mendel Doctorandus (MMD) is a voluntary programme organized by the Faculties and Institutes of Masaryk University. MMD is planned to be a prestigious brand (label) acknowledging and bringing additional credits to the best PhD graduates as well as to their supervisors and doctoral programmes at MUNI.

The MMD programme is suitable for current PhD students enrolled in the 1st – 4th year of study and new prospective candidates enrolling to PhD.

The application procedure for the MMD programme is open typically twice a year.

MMD full details

Obligatory Stay Abroad:

Placement abroad

Placement abroad is an obligatory part of your PhD study (it is stated so in the government regulation). The required minimum is 1 month but 3+ months are preferred.

Plan your stay abroad well ahead (at least 2-3 months ahead) as you need to take care of important details – e. g. registration of your stay in IS MUNI system, arranging financial support of your stay, administrative issues regarding your work contract at MUNI, health insurance, etc.

Go through the following guiding documents and links and discuss the possibilities with your supervisor:

In Czech:

In English:

Also, see the options for financing your stay at the Centre for International Cooperation of MUNI or an interactive map: https://dosveta.muni.cz/#whereSection


The Faculty of Science provides a scholarship for foreign stays and internships, the so-called A6 scholarship: Primarily for a stay of 1 month (30 days) or longer. In justified cases, it is possible to provide a scholarship for a stay abroad of at least 14 days. The amount of the scholarship is usually CZK 1,000 – 100,000 depending on the destination country and length of stay. To some extent, the scholarship can be combined with other forms of travel support (for example Erasmus+ program). More information:

Are you planning your work or study stay abroad and you are also MU employee? 

There are several options to deal with this situation:

  • unpaid leave
  • deal work from home, so-called "homeoffice"
  • take a holiday 
  • reduce your hours for the duration of your internship

However, these options depend on the type and amount of time or the project to which it is linked. It is therefore a good idea to deal with each case individually. For these cases, please contact the Agenda coordinator Lenka Jurasová (lenkajurasova@sci.muni.cz) or International relations assistant Kristýna Bajgarová (bajgarova@sci.muni.cz)​.

Go Abroad


Brno Ph.D. Talent 2024

Competition for the 1st year doctoral students of four selected Brno universities. 25 researchers who will convince the expert committee of the uniqueness of their hitherto results and the qualities of the proposed scientific project can receive scholarships. The competition is in English.

Registration will be open on September 5 - 24, 2024.

We highly encourage all eligible students to apply! The participation in this competition is not only a chance to increase your income and get recognition but also a chance to carefully think about your project in its beginning. Do not hesitate to participate in this competition, PhD students from OFIŽ are often successful:
2023: David Zimčík
2022: Miriam Sandanusová
2021: Petra Kompaníková, Daniela Kristeková, Daniela Rubanová
2020: Tomáš Gybel´
2019: Barbora Kvokačková

How to sign up

Vice-Rector's Award for Excellence in Doctoral Studies

We would like to inform you about the "Vice-Rector's Award for Excellence in Doctoral Studies" whose aim is to increase the number of doctoral students who complete their studies in the standard period of study, possibly extended by one year, with excellent results elaborated in their dissertation. The award should motivate both students and their supervisors to successfully complete their studies in the standard time while at the same time with excellent scientific results. The award also includes a financial reward of CZK 25,000 for both the student and his supervisor.

This year's edition is already finalized, but we expect the next call in May, information will be sent to supervisors in the mail, or watch the website Portal MUNI.

More details

Scholarship of the Dept. of Experimental Biology

From October 2024, the scholarship for students with a standard period of study and no other financial income from MU will increase by CZK 1,000. This means that every MU student is guaranteed a minimum income of CZK 16,000.

Students who successfully complete their PhD study by the 9th semester may receive a scholarship of the Dept. of Experimental Biology 25 ths. CZK as another motivating factor to complete the study in the standard period of study.  To be given the scholarship, you need to apply for this stipend at the Dept. of Experimental Biology (contact: lenkajurasova@sci.muni.cz).

More details


Email address @sci.muni.cz

When you become an employee of Masaryk University, you can get @sci.muni.cz email address and e-mail client in Office365. Your email post from IS will be then automatically transferred there.

More information (CZ) More information (ENG)

Uniform visual style MUNI

We would like to remind you the uniform visual style of MUNI and inform you about templates that you can use for your presentations or posters.
Templates of all faculties or departments are available at: https://sablony.muni.cz/

We would like to point out especially to these templates:

Email signature in MUNI style

You can easily generate your email signature here: https://sablony.muni.cz/podpis

Do you have any interesting photo from your research? Send it to us, please!

If you have any interesting photo/video from your research, please let us know! We will be happy to share it on OFIŽ webpage or use it in our propagation materials.

Please, send the photos/videos to marie.dolezalova@sci.muni.cz.

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Masarykova univerzita
