|  23. 2. 2022, 8:20

OFIŽ: Information Package for PhD Students

Dear PhD Students and PhD Supervisors,

with this email, we would like to give you a summary of important information regarding the PhD study program Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biology.

If you have any questions regarding the PhD study, please contact Ing. Simona Kopalová (kopalova@sci.muni.cz) at the study department or prof. Vítězslav Bryja (bryja@sci.muni.cz).

Info Materials:

Study Requirements

Please, go through the website where you should find all the information regarding e.g.:

Also go through the attached table with a scheme below that summarizes all obligatory steps of your study.

Summary Table & Scheme

Affiliation of your publications

Note that in your publications, you have to indicate the affiliation of Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, 62500, Czech Republic. Otherwise, the publication cannot be accepted as a part of your PhD thesis.

Multiple affiliations (for example, when your PhD project is supervised under a different institution) are acceptable.

Faculty Info Materials for PhD Students

You can find more information also at the level of the faculty:

Additional Info Materials

CZ only

Česká asociace doktorandů a doktorandek vydala "Příručku pro nově nastupující doktorandky a doktorandy", kde najdete spoustu užitečných informací (sociálně-právní aspekty doktorského studia, sociální sítě pro výzkumníky, kontaktní poradenská centra pro studenty, ...).

Příručka pro nově nastupující doktorandky a doktorandy

Obligatory Stay Abroad:

Placement Abroad

Placement abroad is an obligatory part of your PhD study (it is stated so in the government regulation). The required minimum is 1 month but 3+ months are preferred.

Plan your stay abroad well ahead (at least 2-3 months ahead) as you need to take care of important details – e. g. registration of your stay in IS MUNI system, arranging financial support of your stay, administrative issues regarding your work contract at MUNI, health insurance, etc.

Go through the following guiding documents and links and discuss the possibilities with your supervisor:

In Czech:

In English:

Also, see the options of financing of your stay at Centre for International Cooperation of MUNI.


The Faculty of Science announces a new type of scholarships for foreign stays and internships, so-called A6 scholarship: Primarily for a stay of 1 month (30 days) or longer. In justified cases, it is possible to provide a scholarship for a stay abroad of at least 14 days. The amount of the scholarship is usually CZK 1,000 – 100,000 depending on the destination country and length of stay.To some extent, the scholarship can be combined with other forms of travel support (as for example Erasmus+ program). More information:


Email address @sci.muni.cz

When you become an employee of Masaryk University, you can get @sci.muni.cz email address and e-mail client in Office365. Your email post from IS will be then automatically transfered there.

You can also create an email signature in MUNI style: https://sablony.muni.cz/podpis/

More information (CZ) More information (ENG)

Writefull - a tool for checking your texts in English

PhD students of the Faculty of Science MUNI now have a tool for writing professional texts in English - the Writefull plugin.

It is an additional tool to Word and 3 other interfaces, which corrects the correctness of English and also modifies the scientific style of the text. Writefull is developed specifically for academic and non-academic researchers and students, its feedback is tailored to academic writing, and its use enhances the quality of scientific texts.

Writefull, unlike the more famous Grammarly, has the advantage that it does not store your texts, so its use is safer. Because this is relatively new software, your antivirus program may report a potential threat when you install it, but you don't have to worry about this warning.

More information (CZ + ENG below) Webinar (CZ) Webinar (ENG)

Soft skills for PhD Students

Find the educational opportunities offered to PhD students at the faculty website.

Soft skills for PhD students

Do you have any interesting photo from your research? Send it to us, please!

If you have any interesting photo/video from your research, please let us know! We will be happy to share it on OFIŽ webpage (you can see some posts already here or here).

Please, send the photos/videos to lus@sci.muni.cz.

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Masarykova univerzita
